Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, July 28, 2008

My Gang - Bittu, Vanu & Appu !


Left to Right in this pic (Bittu - The Rabbit, Vanu - The Queen of Mischief and Appu - The Elephant)

How can my blog be complete without a photograph with my best friends? It took a long time coming but it is here finally. Some details on my best pals (apart from Daddy obviously :-)

Bittu - Daddy brought him home when I was 6 months old. My day starts with him by my side in the morning and it ends sleeping while holding him close to my heart. I like the soft touch of Bittu's feathers and I'm crazy about the carrot which he holds in his hands. I try hard to snatch it from him whenever he's near me but all my efforts have been in vain so far. I'm determined to tear him into pieces if I don't get the carrot soon.... Bittu, you better beware !!

Appu - Appu has been my buddy for as long as I can remember. He was amongst the first few toys that Daddy brought for me. Unlike Bittu who doesn't move, Appu lives on batteries so he walks around and plays the drum to please me and I love dancing to his tunes whenever he does so.

If you look closely in the above pic, you will notice that Appu lost one arm recently. It's sad but that's another proof of why anyone should not mess with a Scorpio (even if she is 6 months old) :P

Daddy, if you ever needed another reason to be more regular in updating my blog, this should be it. After all, you won't look nice with one arm either :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Eight Months Old !


Daddy - You lazy bum, it's just a week to go before I turn 9 months old, yet there is no post signifying that I turned 8 months old on June 29th, 2008.
To make up for his laziness, Daddy often brings me gifts - this blue ball resembling earth is the latest one. Having the earth/ world at your feet and playing with it is a great feeling - literally !!

Monday, July 14, 2008

आ चल के तुझे, मैं ले के चलूं इक ऐसे गगन के तले

Daddy may not be a perfect singer, but he loves singing this for me. I enjoy it till I dose off to sleep :)

आ चल के तुझे, मैं ले के चलूं
इक ऐसे गगन के तले
जहाँ ग़म भी न हो, आँसू भी न हो
बस प्यार ही प्यार पले)-२
इक ऐसे गगन के तले

सूरज की पहली किरण से, आशा का सवेरा जागे
चंदा की किरण से धुल कर, घनघोर अंधेरा भागे
कभी धूप खिले, कभी छाँव मिले
लम्बी सी डगर न खले
जहाँ ग़म भी न हो, आँसू भी न हो ......

जहाँ दूर नज़र दौड़ आए, आज़ाद गगन लहराए
जहाँ रंग बिरंगे पंछी, आशा का संदेसा लाएं)
सपनो मे पली हँसती हो कली
जहाँ शाम सुहानी ढले
जहाँ ग़म भी न हो, आँसू भी न हो ....

सपनों के ऐसे जहाँ में जहाँ प्यार ही प्यार खिला हो
हम जाके वहाँ खो जाएँ, शिकवा ना कोई गिला हो
कहीं बैर न हो, कोई ग़ैर न हो
सब मिलके यूँ चलते चलें
जहाँ ग़म भी न हो, आँसू भी न हो
बस प्यार ही प्यार पले
आ चल के तुझे मैं ले के चलूं ......