29th May, 2009 - It's end of teen age for me :( Well, at least for the next eleven & a half years or so (till I turn thirteen years old :) Good for Daddy because he feels that I often behave more like a nineteen year old rather than a nineteen month old.
It's been an awesome month in terms of learning new things & I've loads to share with you all!!
1) Vanu Dada - If there was ever a doubt as to who's the boss in the house, it's now cleared. If it's not, let me know & my hockey stick can do the talking :) I've a strong weaponry repotaire of my own which comprises of Daddy's childhood hockey stick and Grandpa's walking stick. These are often used to snatch another favorite weapon of mine - The Broom from our maid who's determined to keep it in her possession. The hockey stick is often used to scare Daddy/ Mamma when they are forcing me to eat when I'm not in a mood to do so & it generally works :). Besides these obvious uses, the hockey stick is often used in conjunction with the football to create a unique game which only Daddy & I can play ;). "Chak De Vanu" in the making!!
2) Books, Books & Books - If there was ever a doubt as to whether my habits are similar to Daddy or Mamma, this should settle it. If I were to send Daddy on a alien planet with a few books/ magazines and nothing to eat/drink for a few days and if he's then asked, what else does he need, I'm 100% sure that he'll say 'Can I have a few more books please?' What a bookworm!! What's more, he admits it as well.
Like Father, Like Daughter !! I absolutely love reading the story books/ alphabet books that Daddy & Grandma brought for me last month. I'm yet to get my hand going on the color books but the story books have been read at least a hundred times in the last few days. Daddy has promised to get some new ones for me & I'm so looking forward to it !! It's not just the story books mind you, I don't mind browsing through the headlines of the newspaper every morning to see the images on the front page. Daddy being a tech-savvy person, there are plenty of IT & tech magazines in our room and we often end up reading them together (Correction: Me trying to tear them off & Daddy unsuccessfully trying to resist). Whoever said that 'The joy of reading is ten times better than the joy of watching' was absolutely right & must have read it from somewhere for sure:)
3) Chatter, Chatter, Chat - Who Me?
The vocabulary practice sessions have finally yielded results and I'm now a proud owner of a strong vocab of 50+ words though I stil prefer to use them sparingly in public :D

When I'm at home, it's a completely different story & I find it a waste to stay quiet. During the past few months, Daddy would often try to engage me in a conversation hoping that I speak up a few words (or sentences, high hopes !) but the efforts were futile. The past month has brought a (more than) welcome change & now it's the other way round - me trying to engage Daddy in a conversation while he'usually seen trying to find an isolated corner in the house to be able to wrap up his never ending office work !!
Some of the words which I speak (and more importantly can be easily understood by the listener) are
- Mamma
- Papa
- Dada
- Didi
- Baba
- Nana
- Bhua
Some of the words which have custom aliases are
- Orse for Horse
- Oat for Goat
- Ish for Fish
- Meow for Cat
- Paak for Park
- Mim for Mandir (Temple)
- Haa for Haan (Yes)
- Dudu for Milk
- Pa for Water
- Keem for Ice-cream
- Doo for Dhol (Band)
- Kaka (for any kid ranging from just born up to college students)
- Boo for Book
Efforts are on to speak my name, Mamma's name & Daddy's name and the mission should be accomplished soon !!
Apart from these, life has gone on as usual with
- Brushing the tooth every morning
- Daily one hour visit to the park
- Frequent grocery shopping sessions at near-by super markets
- Frequent visits to the near by temple & Gurudwara
- No improvements in susu/ potty training :(
That is all for this post !! See you soon & God bless !!