The New Year brings with it lots of celebrations, a couple of holidays :) and a bunch of resolutions. Daddy usually doesn't believe in resolutions for himself but he surely does like enforcing some resolutions on others. So, here are my resolutions (Read Daddy's Resolutions for me) for 2009 in chronological order of Daddy's expectation & time of fulfillment:-
1) Start Walking - Though I stand on my own and I walk with support, I've not yet started walking on my own. Daddy isn't exactly worried about it but he's just too anxious to see me run around in the garden with other kids.
2) No More Idiot Box For Me - During the last three months, the music fan in me has taken over Daddy's television. There are no more cricket matches or news broadcasts on the TV as long as I'm awake. It has to be some funky dance numbers whether it's 8 AM in the morning or 10 PM in the night :P Daddy is very concerned that it will have a bad effect on my eyes.
3) Let's Talk - Although I'm able to communicate anything & everything in my limited vocabulary, Daddy is very keen to hear complete words from me. I guess he's had enough of my abbreviations:-
* Pa for Papa
* Ma for Mamma
* Boo for Dog
* Any other word is pretty much impossible to decode
He has a few other resolutions up his sleeve like admitting me to a play school before I turn two, taking me for a morning walk to the park every morning at 6:30 AM and blah blah !! Since his list is never ending, so we'll leave it there.
Wising a happy & joyful 2009 to everybody who reads this blog (and to those who don't :)). May God bless everyone!
sorry Vanu, Puja aunty seems to have been out of touch for sooo long!! Anyways better late than never! Me and Diya wish you, your loving parents and the entire family a great New year!! I hope you stay healthy, happy and wrapped with love of your friends and family!
And hey, now you are a big girl!! Its great to see you growing into such a pretty little lady ;-)
Thanks Puja Aunty! I wish Diya & family a rocking 2009. Whenever you post Diya's pics on her blog, Daddy shows them to me & I simply love seeing them. I wish I get to meet Diya some day & play with her :P
I will ask Daddy to take some lessons from your blog & update mine regularly!
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