29th March, 2009:- I turned 17 months old (17 months young as Daddy puts it) yesterday. The cough and chest infection finally went away after testing my patience for more than 3 weeks. I lost nearly two kilos in weight but by god's grace, things have become better with every passing day for the past week or so!
The fun-filled daily routine with Daddy is now back & I'm enjoying it to the fullest - whether it be the slides in the near by park, playing football with Daddy or running around the super-market and doing my own shopping :)
- I often visit the nearby super markets in the evening - 'Reliance Fresh', 'Six To Ten' with Daddy and Mamma for the 'day to day shopping needs' :). Since Daddy used to often tell me that I'm a big girl now, so I decided that I'm going to do my own shopping. I pick up an empty basket on my own, I find my way to the right sections in the store, pick up packs of biscuits, chocolates, Maggi :) and grapes. Did I forget 'bread'?? The shopping extravaganza can never be complete without a loaf (sometimes two and going up to five loafs) of bread. I even manage to drag the basket to the billing counter much to the bemusement of the staff. Pity that I don't have the cash and Daddy does'nt pay for me :(
- I'm now a regular at the near by park and an active member of the 'prankster kids' gang. I hardly realize how time flies while I enjoy the slides and the swings for an hour or so. I've made a few new friends at the park - Gungun, Siya and Kashish. Though most of them are elder to me, I have a blast playing with them every day! When it gets late, Daddy pleads with me to go back home and being an obedient daughter, I have no choice but to give in to his request :)
- When I refuse to sleep in the night, here are the tricks that Daddy tries in chronological order
1) Narrate a story about fairies and kids - This rarely works any longer unless I'm very tired and in a mood to sleep myself. So, we move over to trick number 2.
2) Sing any five of my favorite songs - This used to be a killer trick which sealed the deal 90% of the time earlier. The songs usually were a repeat telecast every night and included
A) Pappu Can't Dance
B) Kabhi Kabhi Aditi
C) Nazrein Milana Nazrein Churana
D) Aye Bachu
E) Singh Is King
F) Chanda Hai Tu
G) Aa Chal Ke Tujhe
H) Khwab Dekhe Jhoothe
This trick no longer yields assured returns (It's Financial Year Ending so please excuse Daddy's choice of words :) so he resorts to the next trick
3) We pickup the football, move to the lobby area and play for the next 30 minutes with Daddy hoping that I get tired soon so that he can go back to trick 1 to put me to sleep. This trick works more often that not but it's mid-night by the time we sleep :)
A few more random musings:-
- I can now even murmur my favorite songs in my own voice but with my limited vocabulary and the inclination to replace every word with 'Ba' or 'Bu', it is difficult to decipher the song being sung :)
- We've not really made any significant progress on the vocabulary part - Ba, Ma, Bu, Cha, Pa and all such single letter words continue to rule the roost.
- The godi requests now have a 'Zero Tolerance' tag attached with them. If I ask for it and Daddy refuses, I make sure that hell breaks loose till my order is fulfilled. More often than not, Daddy complies.
Loads more to share but let's leave something for the next few posts as well :)
Till then, adios !!
Hi sweety! I am so sorry to be visiting your site after such a long time.. and felt really bad after knowing that you went through a lot for so long. Hope the fear and other ailments are kicked away for good and your smile/mischief stays forever.
God bless you and your family..
Thanks Puja! By God's grace, it was a passing phase and is over now. God Bless !
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