Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, May 1, 2009

Eighteen Months Old !!

29th April, 2009:- I've turned 18 months (1.5 years/ Dedh Saal) today. Daddy often tells me that 'Good Habits, Start Early' and being the obedient daughter that I am, I take it all too seriously :)

I'm there to help clean the house when the maid doesn't show up (which is often the case :)

Whenever Daddy says 'Let's go Ghoomi', I'm quick to get my clothes from the wardrobe, hand them over to Daddy, force him to change my clothes & put on my shoes and drag him to the main gate to make sure that he doesn't change his plans :)

Loads more to share but unfortunately Daddy has work piled up in leaps & bounds so we'll leave it to the next post !!

Till then, God Bless !!


Anonymous said...

God Bless you, dear child! May your life be filled with happiness - forever.. :-)
Love and care,

Vanu said...

Thanks Puja! I wish the same for Diya as well.